Accident Prevention Plan (APP);
G, A
Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA);
G, A
Crane Critical Lift Plan;
G, A
Proof of qualification for Crane Operators;
G, A
SD-06 Test Reports
Submit reports as their incidence occurs, in accordance with the
requirements of the paragraph entitled, "Reports."
Accident Reports
Monthly Exposure Reports
Crane Reports
Regulatory Citations and Violations
SD-07 Certificates
Confined Space Entry Permit
Hot work permit
NOTE: Include the following requirement in all Navy
projects; Not required for Army projects.
Contractor Safety Self-Evaluation Checklist; G, A
Third Party Certification of Barge-Mounted Mobile Cranes]
Certificate of Compliance (Crane)]
Submit one copy of each permit/certificate attached to each
Daily [Production][Quality Control] Report.
NOTE: Include the following requirement in all NAVY
OICC Marianas projects only; Not required for Army
Machinery & Mechanized Equipment Certification Form]
NOTE: Include the following item (a) in NAVY
projects only.
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