use and maintenance]; [_____].]
Level 6:
Certified Safety Professional (CSP) and/or Certified Industrial
Hygienist (CIH).
A minimum of 10 years safety work of a progressive nature with at
least 5 years of experience on similar projects.
30-hour OSHA construction safety class or equivalent within the
last 5 years.
An average of at least 24 hours of formal safety training each
year for the past 5 years with training for competent person
status for at least the following [4] areas of competency:
[Excavation]; [Scaffolding]; [Fall protection]; [Hazardous
energy]; [Confined space]; [Health hazard recognition, evaluation
and control of chemical, physical and biological agents];
use and maintenance]; [_____].]
Certified Safety Professional (CSP) and/or Certified Industrial
hygienist (CIH)
NOTE: Specify a Certified Safety Professional (CSP)
and/or Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) only for
very large or complex projects based on a
hazards to be encountered. The specifier shall
coordinate with the supporting local safety and
and/or CIH is required on the project.
Provide a [Certified Safety Professional (CSP)] [and] [Certified Industrial
management, surveillance, inspections, and safety enforcement for the
Contractor. The [CSP] [and] [CIH] shall be the safety and occupational
health "competent person" as defined by USACE EM 385-1-1. [The [CSP and/or
CIH] shall have no other duties than safety and occupational health
management, inspections, and/or industrial hygiene.]
Associate Safety professional (ASP), Certified Safety Trained
Supervisor (STS) and/or Construction Health and Safety Technician (CHST)
NOTE: Specify an Associate Safety Professional
(ASP), Certified Safety Trained Supervisor (STS),
and/or Construction Health & Safety Technician
(CHST) for complex projects as specified by the
supporting local safety and health office.
Provide [a/an] [Associate Safety Professional (ASP)][Certified Safety
Trained Supervisor (STS)] [and/or] [Construction Health & Safety Technician
(CHST)] at the work site to perform safety management, surveillance,
inspections, and safety enforcement for the Contractor. The [ASP][STS]
[and/or] [CHST] shall be the safety and occupational health "competent
person" as defined by USACE EM 385-1-1. The [ASP][STS] [and/or] [CHST]
shall be at the work site at all times whenever work or testing is being
performed and shall conduct and document daily safety inspections. The
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