Accident Notification
NOTE: For NAVY projects only, any deviation from
the 4-hour notificaiton requirement must be approved
by the Navy Crane Center.
Notify the Contracting Officer as soon as practical, but not later than [
four hours][____], after any accident meeting the definition of Recordable
Injuries or Illnesses or High Visibility Accidents, property damage equal
Information shall include contractor name; contract title; type of
contract; name of activity, installation or location where accident
occurred; date and time of accident; names of personnel injured; extent of
property damage, if any; extent of injury, if known, and brief description
of accident (to include type of construction equipment used, PPE used,
etc.). Preserve the conditions and evidence on the accident site until the
Government investigation team arrives on-site and Government investigation
is conducted.
Monthly Exposure Reports
Monthly exposure reporting to the Contracting Officer is required to be
attached to the monthly billing request. This report is a compilation of
employee-hours worked each month for all site workers, both prime and
subcontractor. The Contracting Officer will provide copies of any special
Crane Reports
Submit crane inspection reports required in accordance with USACE EM 385-1-1,
Appendix H and as specified herein with Daily Reports of Inspections.
Certificate of Compliance
NOTE: Include this requirement in all Navy projects;
this is an option for Army projects.
The Contractor shall provide a Certificate of Compliance for each crane
entering an activity under this contract (see Contracting Officer for a
blank certificate). Certificate shall state that the crane and rigging
gear meet applicable OSHA regulations (with the Contractor citing which
OSHA regulations are applicable, e.g., cranes used in construction,
demolition, or maintenance shall comply with 29 CFR 1926 and USACE EM
385-1-1 section 16 and Appendix H. Certify on the Certificate of
Compliance that the crane operator(s) is qualified and trained in the
operation of the crane to be used.[ For cranes at DOD activities in
foreign countries, the Contractor shall certify that the crane and rigging
gear conform to the appropriate host country safety standards.] The
Contractor shall also certify that all of its crane operators working on
the DOD activity have been trained in the proper use of all safety devices
(e.g., anti-two block devices). These certifications shall be posted on
the crane.
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