NFPA 72, [NFPA 2001] and extinguishing system manufacturer's instructions.
Actuation of device shall cause transmission of a distinctly identifiable
signal which shall be displayed and annunciated by the receiving networks
specified herein as an alarm. Provide devices with tamper-resistant
Valve Position Supervisory Initiating Devices
Provide where indicated in accordance with NFPA 13, NFPA 25, NFPA 72, UL 346,
and as specified herein. Device contacts shall transfer from the normal
position to the off-normal position during the first two revolutions of the
hand wheel or when the valve stem has moved not more than one-fifth the
distance from its normal position. Actuation of device shall cause
transmission of a distinctly identifiable signal, which shall be displayed
by the receiving networks specified herein as a supervisory signal. Provide
devices with tamper-resistant covers.
Pressure Supervisory Initiating Devices
Provide where indicated in accordance with NFPA 13, NFPA 25, NFPA 72, UL 346,
and as specified herein. [Provide a combination shutoff/bleeder valve in
the line ahead of the device for testing operation of the device. The
valve shall be normally open. Closing the valve shall shut off the
pressure supply to the device and exhaust the pressure between the switch
and the valve. Actuation of device upon decrease of pressure below low set
point [and increase of pressure above high set point] shall cause
transmission of a distinctly identifiable signal which shall be displayed
by the receiving networks specified herein as a supervisory signal. Provide
devices with tamper-resistant covers.]
Temperature Supervisory Signal Initiating Devices
Provide where indicated in accordance with [NFPA 22, NFPA 25] NFPA 72, UL
346, and as specified herein. Provide [air] [and][water] temperature
supervisory devices with concealed set point, and tamper-resistant cover.
Omit temperature indicator or conceal indicator within cover. Device shall
not be adjustable below 8 degrees C 40 degrees F. Device shall be
activated by temperature drop below set point. Actuation of device shall
cause transmission of a distinctly identifiable signal, which shall be
displayed by the receiving networks specified herein as a supervisory
signal. [Mount air temperature device 1.5 m 5 feet above finished floor;
provide insulating sub-base when mounting on exterior wall.]
Water Level Supervisory Signal Initiating Devices
Provide where indicated in accordance with NFPA 13, NFPA 22, NFPA 25, NFPA
72, UL 346, and as specified herein. Device shall be activated by decrease
in storage tank water level below [90] [_____] percent full. Actuation of
device shall cause transmission of a distinctly identifiable signal, which
shall be displayed by the receiving networks specified herein as a
supervisory signal. Provide devices with tamper resistant covers.
Rigid Steel Conduit
ANSI C80.1
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