[specified in other sections.]
Fire Alarm Control Units
Provide connection to protected premises fire alarm control units as
indicated in accordance with NFPA 72 and as specified herein. Provide
control unit. Actuation of control unit alarm contact shall cause
transmission of a distinctly identifiable signal which shall be displayed
and annunciated by the receiving networks specified herein as a protected
premises alarm. Actuation of control unit common trouble contact shall
cause transmission of a distinctly identifiable signal which shall be
displayed and annunciated by the receiving networks specified herein as a
supervisory signal.
Fire Suppression/Extinguishing System Control Units
NOTE: Select the NFPA standard(s) applicable to the
systems to which direct connections from the radio
applicable. If all suppression and extinguishing
control panels in compliance with the applicable
NFPA codes and standards, separate connections
between the suppression/extinguishing system and the
connections are through building fire alarm systems,
delete entire paragraph.
Provide connection to protected premises fire suppression/extinguishing
system control units as indicated in accordance with [NFPA 12,] [NFPA 12A,]
[NFPA 13,] [NFPA 17,] [NFPA 17A,] NFPA 72, [NFPA 2001,] and as specified
herein. Provide separate alarm and supervisory circuits between radio
transmitter and control unit. Actuation of control unit alarm contact
shall cause transmission of a distinctly identifiable signal which shall be
displayed and annunciated by the receiving networks specified herein as a
protected premises alarm. Actuation of control unit common trouble contact
shall cause transmission of a distinctly identifiable signal which shall be
displayed and annunciated by the receiving networks specified herein as a
supervisory signal.
Fire Pump Control Units
NOTE: NFPA 20 requires the pump running alarm and
two supervisory signals to be transmitted to a
"constantly attended" location, which is usually the
fire/emergency communication center at Navy and
Marine Corps installations. If direct connections
are to be provided from pump controller to radio
for availability of "remote alarm" contacts; if all
connections are through building fire alarm systems,
delete this paragraph.
Provide connection to fire pump controllers as indicated in accordance with
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