assignment will be made.
NOTE: Do not allow stranded wire for projects under
cognizance of Engineering Field Activity Northeast.
Installation shall be in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 70, and
NFPA 72, . Unless indicated otherwise, provide all wiring and conduit new.
Dress out all transmitters, and interface panels where provided, and new
wiring in existing panels, in a professional manner with all wires running
in a vertical or horizontal plane, cut to exact length, making all turns at
90 degree angles, and tightly bundled and tie wrapped. Make all
terminations under screw terminals; pigtail or "T"-tap connections are
prohibited. Use of crimped connectors is prohibited[, except where stranded
wire is used, use of crimped connectors at termination points is required].
Conductor Identification
Distinctively color code each conductor used for the same specific
function; each function color code shall remain consistent throughout.
Use colors as directed by the Contracting Officer to match the existing
base fire alarm color coding scheme. Identify conductors at every
termination, junction, and splice by means of plastic coated self-sticking
printed markers or by heat-shrink type sleeves. Attach markers in a manner
that will prevent accidental detachment.
Furnish a printed schedule of
conductor markings identifying each wire marker, and the purpose, the
origin, and the termination of each conductor; also include this
information on the as-built drawings.
Conduit Installation
Run wiring in rigid steel conduit, steel intermediate metal conduit or
steel electrical metallic tubing[, except surface mounted wiring shall be
permitted in surface metal raceway in finished areas where indicated].
Do not run alarm circuits in the same conduit with non-alarm circuits.
not run AC circuits in the same conduit with DC circuits. Run antenna
cables alone in separate galvanized rigid steel conduit. Paint all
junction box covers red and provide them with permanent rigid engraved
labels reading "fire alarm circuit".
Additional Installation Requirements
NOTE: Include this paragraph for all projects under
the cognizance of SOUTHNAVFACENGCOM.
Pull all conductors splice-free. Provide insulated barrier type terminal
strips at junction points. Use of wire nuts, crimped connectors, or
twisting of conductors together is prohibited. Conduit shall not enter the
top of a transmitter, control panel, or interface panel; provide conduit
seals for all conduit terminating at a transmitter, control panel, or
interface panel.
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