[2] [_____] transmitter antennas of each type provided.
[10] [_____] sets of fuses of each type and size provided.
100 rolls or 16 reams of permanent record printing paper.
f. [2] [_____] radio alarm transmitters of each configuration required
by this specification.
g. [10] [
]complete sets of system keys.
NOTE: OPNAV INSTRUCTION 2410.11H requires that
funds shall not be obligated for procurement of
authority has been obtained. Contact the Area Radio
Frequency Coordinator to determine the availability
activity submits a DD Form 1494, APPLICATION FOR
FREQUENCY ALLOCATION, for a Stage 1 ("Conceptual
Development" allocation (See DD Form 1494
Preparation Guide) . Stage 1 allocation authority
(i.e. approval) must be obtained prior to
advertisement of the contract.
In the U.S., the 138-150.8 band is the preferred
range since specific frequencies in this range are
reserved for DOD use. Frequencies in the 162-174
MHz and 406-420 MHz bands are shared with other
users on a first-come, first-served basis. Also the
effectiveness of the 406-420 MHz band is limited to
relatively short, line-of-sight transmissions,
limiting its practicality at geographically larger
installations. In order to avoid potential contract
delays, the frequency assignment should be included
in the specification when possible. In some cases
it may be necessary for the designer to perform the
analyses of available frequencies and then monitor
the selected frequency using automatic recording
equipment to verify that the selected frequency is
clear. For additional information, contact the
Electronics System Command Code 08H.
NOTE: For installations outside U.S. territory,
compliance with host nation's requirements is also
The Contractor shall provide technical assistance to the Area Radio
Frequency Coordinator in completing DD Form 1494, APPLICATION FOR FREQUENCY
ALLOCATION, for a Stage 4 allocation. Upon approval of this application by
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