certified as, a Building Inspector, Contractor/Supervisor Abatement Worker,
and Asbestos Project Designer as described by 40 CFR 763 and has
successfully completed the National Institute of Occupational Safety and
Health (NIOSH) 582 course "Sampling and Evaluating Airborne Asbestos Dust"
or equivalent. [The PQP shall be appropriately licensed in the [State of
_____][Commonwealth of Virginia as a Project Monitor]]. The PQP and the
asbestos contractor shall not have an employee/employer relationship or
financial relationship which could constitute a conflict of interest. The
PQP shall be a first tier subcontractor.
Competent Person Documentation
NOTE: Edit requirement for licensing.
Submit training certification and a current [State of _____][Commonwealth
of Virginia] Asbestos Contractor's and Supervisor's License.
Worker's License
NOTE: Edit requirement for licensing.
Submit documentation that requires all workers have a current [State of
_____][Commonwealth of Virginia] Asbestos Workers License.
Contractor's License
NOTE: Edit requirement for licensing.
Contractor shall have current [Virginia][_____] asbestos contractor's
license. Submit a copy of the asbestos contractor's license issued by the
[State of _____][Commonwealth of Virginia].
Air Sampling Results
NOTE: Normal practice is to have the Contractor
hire one independent Private Qualified Person (the
PQP) to perform all required functions. However,
some applicable laws forbid this approach and will
dictate when the PQP, the NC or both will be
required to perform the function involved. However,
the Contractor shall always hire a PQP.
Complete fiber counting and provide results to the [PQP] [and] [NC] for
review within 16 hours of the "time off" of the sample pump. Notify the
Contracting Officer immediately of any airborne levels of asbestos fibers
in excess of the acceptable limits. Submit sampling results to the
Contracting Officer and the affected Contractor employees where required by
law within 3 working days, signed by the testing laboratory employee
performing air sampling, the employee that analyzed the sample, and the
[PQP] [and] [NC]. Notify the Contractor and the Contracting Officer
immediately of any variance in the pressure differential which could cause
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