coverings, gloves, and foot coverings. Provide disposable plastic or
rubber gloves to protect hands. Cloth gloves may be worn inside the
plastic or rubber gloves for comfort, but shall not be used alone. Make
sleeves secure at the wrists, make foot coverings secure at the ankles, and
make clothing secure at the neck by the use of tape. [Reusable whole body
outer protective clothing shall be either disposed of as asbestos
contaminated waste upon exiting from the asbestos regulated work area or be
properly decontaminated.]
Work Clothing
Provide cloth work clothes for wear under the outer protective clothing and
foot coverings and either dispose of or properly decontaminate them as
recommended by the [NC] [PQP] after each use.
Personal Decontamination Unit
Provide a temporary, negative pressure unit with a separate decontamination
locker room and clean locker room with a shower that complies with 29 CFR
1926.51(f)(4)(ii) through (V) in between for personnel required to wear
whole body protective clothing. Provide two separate lockers for each
asbestos worker, one in each locker room. Keep street clothing and street
shoes in the clean locker. HEPA vacuum and remove asbestos contaminated
disposable protective clothing while still wearing respirators at the
boundary of the asbestos work area and seal in impermeable bags or
containers for disposal. [HEPA vacuum and remove asbestos contaminated
reusable protective clothing while still wearing respirators at the
boundary of the asbestos work area, seal in two impermeable bags, label
outer bag as asbestos contaminated waste, and transport for
decontamination.] Do not wear work clothing between home and work. Locate
showers between the decontamination locker room and the clean locker room
and require that all employees shower before changing into street clothes.
Collect used shower water and filter with approved water filtration
equipment to remove asbestos contamination. Dispose of filters and residue
as asbestos waste. Discharge clean water to the sanitary system. Dispose
of asbestos contaminated work clothing as asbestos contaminated waste [or
properly decontaminate as specified in the Contractor's Asbestos Hazard
Abatement Plan]. Decontamination units shall be physically attached to the
equipment decontamination unit onto and integral with each asbestos control
[Decontamination of Reusable Outer Protective Clothing
bagged clothing to a previously notified commercial/industrial
decontamination facility for decontamination. Perform non-destructive
testing to determine the effectiveness of asbestos decontamination. If
representative sampling is used, ensure the statistical validity of the
sampling results. If representative sampling is used, reject any entire
batch in which any of the pieces exceed 40 fibers per square millimeter.
Inspect reusable protective clothing prior to use to ensure that it will
provide adequate protection and is not or is not about to become ripped,
torn, deteriorated, or damaged, and that it is not visibly contaminated.
Notify, in writing, all personnel involved in the decontamination of
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