would occur during wet removal. If dry removal
alone is allowed, carefully edit the specification
to remove all reference to amended water and wetting
down procedures and to include a requirement for a
written variance submitted by the Contractor along
with the written approval of any regulatory
authority having jurisdiction.
NOTE: Negative pressure enclosure and glovebag
techniques pertain to the two most general but yet
essentially different asbestos control techniques
used for asbestos removal. Encapsulation work
practice techniques are listed here, also. The use
of unlisted removal work practice techniques will be
acceptable if they are proven at least as safe as
the listed practices. The appropriate technique
depends on existing conditions, but must be that
technique that provides the best control during
abatement at most reasonable cost.
Perform asbestos related work in accordance with 29 CFR 1926.1101, 40 CFR
61-SUBPART M, and as specified herein. Use [[wet] [or] [if given prior EPA
approval, dry] removal procedures] [appropriate encapsulation procedures as
listed in the asbestos hazard abatement plan] and [negative pressure
enclosure] [_____] techniques. Personnel shall wear and utilize protective
clothing and equipment as specified herein. Eating, smoking, drinking,
chewing gum, tobacco, or applying cosmetics shall not be permitted in the
asbestos work or control areas. Personnel of other trades not engaged in
the [encapsulation] [removal and demolition] of asbestos containing
material shall not be exposed at any time to airborne concentrations of
asbestos unless all the personnel protection and training provisions of
this specification are complied with by the trade personnel. [Seal all
roof top penetrations, except plumbing vents, prior to asbestos roofing
system, cap the openings to the system, [and provide temporary [heating,]
[and] [ventilation,] [and] [air conditioning]] prior to the commencement of
asbestos work. [Disconnect electrical service when [encapsulation] [wet
removal] is performed and provide temporary electrical service with
verifiable ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) protection prior to the
use of any [water] [encapsulant].] If an asbestos fiber release or spill
occurs [outside of the asbestos control area], stop work immediately,
correct the condition to the satisfaction of the Contracting Officer
including clearance sampling, prior to resumption of work.
Protection of Existing Work to Remain
NOTE: Normal practice is to have the Contractor
hire one independent Private Qualified Person (the
PQP) to perform all required functions. However,
some applicable laws forbid this approach and will
dictate when the PQP, the NC or both will be
required to perform the function involved. However,
the Contractor shall always hire a PQP.
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