the discretion of the Contracting Officer. If the air sampling results
obtained by the Government differ from those obtained by the Contractor,
the Government will determine which results predominate. If adjacent areas
are contaminated as determined by the Contracting Officer, clean the
contaminated areas, monitor, and visually inspect the area as specified
Removal Procedures
NOTE: Choose "Removal Procedures" or "Encapsulation
Procedures" as appropriate for the project.
Wet asbestos material with a fine spray of [amended water] [a specific
wetting agent such as light oil] during removal, cutting, or other handling
so as to reduce the emission of airborne fibers. Remove material and
immediately place in 0.15 mm 6 mil plastic disposal bags. Remove asbestos
containing material in a gradual manner, with continuous application of the
amended water or wetting agent in such a manner that no asbestos material
is disturbed prior to being adequately wetted. Where unusual circumstances
prohibit the use of 0.15 mm 6 mil plastic bags, submit an alternate
proposal for containment of asbestos fibers to the Contracting Officer for
approval. For example, in the case where both piping and insulation are to
be removed, the Contractor may elect to wet the insulation, wrap the pipes
and insulation in plastic and remove the pipe by sections. Asbestos
containing material shall be containerized while wet. At no time shall
asbestos material be allowed to accumulate or become dry. Lower and
otherwise handle asbestos containing material as indicated in 40 CFR
Sealing Contaminated Items Designated for Disposal
NOTE: Use this paragraph only when asbestos
contaminated items are also designated for removal
and disposal.
Remove contaminated architectural, mechanical, and electrical appurtenances
such as venetian blinds, full-height partitions, carpeting, duct work,
pipes and fittings, radiators, light fixtures, conduit, panels, and other
contaminated items designated for removal by completely coating the items
with an asbestos lock-down encapsulant at the demolition site before
removing the items from the asbestos control area. These items need not be
vacuumed. The asbestos lock-down encapsulant shall be tinted a contrasting
color. It shall be spray-applied by airless method. Thoroughness of
sealing operation shall be visually gauged by the extent of colored coating
on exposed surfaces. Lock-down encapsulants shall comply with the
performance requirements specified herein.
Contain edges of asbestos insulation to remain that are exposed by a
removal operation. Wet and cut the rough ends true and square with sharp
tools and then encapsulate the edges with a 6 mm 1/4 inch thick layer of
non-asbestos containing insulating cement troweled to a smooth hard finish.
When cement is dry, lag the end with a layer of non-asbestos lagging
cloth, overlapping the existing ends by at least 100 mm 4 inches. When
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