prior to clearance sampling, the [PQP] [and] [NC] shall perform a visual
inspection in accordance with ASTM E 1368 to ensure that the asbestos
control and work area is free of any accumulations of dirt, dust, or
debris. [Prepare a written report signed and dated by the PQP documenting
that the asbestos control area is free of dust, dirt, and debris and all
waste has been removed.] [Perform at least [_____] samples.] [Use
transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to analyze clearance samples and
report the results in accordance with current NIOSH criteria.] The asbestos
fiber counts from these samples shall be less than 0.01 fibers per cubic
centimeter or be not greater than the background, whichever is greater.
Should any of the final samples indicate a higher value, the Contractor
shall take appropriate actions to re-clean the area and shall repeat the
sampling and [TEM] analysis at the Contractor's expense.
Prior to removal of plastic barriers and after pre-clearance clean up of
gross contamination, the [PQP] [NC] shall conduct a visual inspection of
all areas affected by the [removal] [encapsulation] in accordance with ASTM
E 1368. Inspect for any visible fibers [, and to ensure that encapsulants
were applied evenly and appropriately]. [A post removal (lock-down)
encapsulant shall then be spray applied to ceiling, walls, floors and other
areas exposed in the removal area. The exposed area shall include but not
be limited to plastic barriers, furnishings and articles to be discarded as
well as dirty change room, air locks for bag removal and decontamination
Site Inspection
While performing asbestos engineering control work, the Contractor shall be
subject to on-site inspection by the Contracting Officer who may be
assisted by or represented by safety or industrial hygiene personnel. If
the work is found to be in violation of this specification, the Contracting
Officer or his representative will issue a stop work order to be in effect
immediately and until the violation is resolved. All related costs
including standby time required to resolve the violation shall be at the
Contractor's expense.
Essential parts of asbestos dust control are housekeeping and clean-up
procedures. Maintain surfaces of the asbestos control area free of
accumulations of asbestos fibers. Give meticulous attention to restricting
the spread of dust and debris; keep waste from being distributed over the
general area. Use HEPA filtered vacuum cleaners. DO NOT BLOW DOWN THE
SPACE WITH COMPRESSED AIR. When asbestos removal is complete, all asbestos
waste is removed from the work-site, and final clean-up is completed, the
Contracting Officer will attest that the area is safe before the signs can
be removed. After final clean-up and acceptable airborne concentrations
are attained but before the HEPA unit is turned off and the enclosure
removed, remove all pre-filters on the building HVAC system and provide new
pre-filters. Dispose of filters as asbestos contaminated materials.
Reestablish HVAC mechanical, and electrical systems in proper working
order. The Contracting Officer will visually inspect all surfaces within
the enclosure for residual material or accumulated dust or debris. The
Contractor shall re-clean all areas showing dust or residual materials. If
re-cleaning is required, air sample and establish an acceptable asbestos
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