which reasonably could not have been anticipated. The controlling
penetration per blow will be determined by the Contracting Officer. Piles
shall be driven to the full penetration required where practicable to do so
without damage to the piles. If found impracticable to drive any pile to
the depth required, such pile shall be cut off and abandoned or pulled as
directed. Driven piles which have a penetration of less than [_____] meter
[_____] feet [that specified for the following areas [_____]] and have not
been driven to the established maximum penetration per blow are not
satisfactory. Driving of piles beyond the point of refusal, as indicated
by excessive bonding of the hammer or kicking of the pile, or a blow count
of greater than twice the blow count required to produce the safe bearing
capacity shall not be attempted. Piles which have uplifted after driving
shall be redriven to grade after conclusion of driving in that general
area. The maximum permissible penetration per blow for the last 20 blows
will be established by the Contracting Officer. When the penetration per
blow of any pile during the final blows exceeds that permitted or it is
found that a pile is not of sufficient length to give the capacity
specified, and the pile has been driven to its full depth, the Contractor
shall pull the pile and furnish and drive a longer pile or take other
followers or splices shall not be permitted except where specially
authorized. After driving is completed, all piles shall be "headed" or cut
off normal at the cutoff elevation. Headed treated piles, including those
to be capped with concrete, shall be given two heavy coats of hot creosote,
followed by the application of a heavy coat of coal-tar pitch. Piles
driven in locations where they are constantly subject to water spray shall
be given this treatment immediately after they are cut off and before the
cutoff surface has been wetted. Cutoffs shall become the property of the
Contractor and shall be removed at his expense.
Tolerances in Driving Bearing Piles
Piles shall be accurately placed in the correct location and alignments
both laterally and longitudinally and to the vertical or batter lines as
shown. At cutoff elevation, butts shall be within [100] [_____] mm [4]
[_____] inches laterally of the location indicated. [Manipulation of piles
is prohibited.] [Manipulation to move piles into position will be permitted
only within the aforementioned tolerance to return the pile to the design
location. [However, piles shall not be manipulated more than 1.5 percent
of the exposed length above the [ground] [mudline] surface.]] A variation
of not more than 21 mm per m 0.25 inch per foot of pile length from the
vertical for plumb piles or more than 42 mm per m 0.50 inch per foot of
pile length from the required angle for batter piles will be permitted.
The correct relative position of group piles shall be maintained by the use
of templates or by other approved means.
[In addition to complying with
the tolerances stated herein or otherwise specified, clear distance between
heads of piles and edges of caps shall be not less than 125 mm 5 inches.
With prior approval of the Contracting Officer, the Contractor may provide
additional concrete and reinforcement to maintain the required minimum
clear distance. Redesign of pile caps or additional work required due to
improper location of piles will be the responsibility of the Contractor.]
Inspect piles for heave. Piles shall be driven to the depths [shown] [as
directed]. Redrive heaved piles to the required tip elevation. Remove and
replace with new piles those damaged, misplaced, driven below the design
cutoff, or driven out of alignment, or provide additional piles, driven as
directed at no additional cost to the Government.
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