hammer energy uniformly and consistently to piles. Place driving helmet or
cap and cushion block combination between top of pile and the ram. Driving
cap shall fit snugly on the top of piles and shall employ a cushion block
to prevent impact damage to piles. The cushion block may be a solid or
laminated softwood block with the grain parallel to the pile axis and
enclosed in a close-fitting steel housing. The thickness of the block
shall be suitable for the length of pile to be driven and the character of
subsurface material to be encountered. [Generally, thicker blocks are
required for longer piles and softer subsurface material.] If block is
damaged, split, highly compressed, charred or burned, or has become spongy
or deteriorated, replace with new block. Under no circumstances will the
use of small wood blocks, wood chips, rope, or other material permitting
excessive loss of hammer energy be permitted.
Pile Collars
Collars or bands for protecting pile butts against splitting, brooming, and
other damage while being driven shall be of an approved design.
Jetting Equipment
Jetting equipment shall have not less than two removable or fixed, water or
combination air-water type jets. Equipment shall be designed so that the
discharge volume and pressure are sufficient to freely erode the material
under and adjacent to the piles.
Bearing Piles
Inspect piles when delivered and when in the leads immediately before
approved method. Where cutoff is below existing mudline elevation,
complete excavation, sheeting and dewatering before pile is driven to
cutoff elevation.
Test Piles
NOTE: Insert the number of test piles required.
Test pile locations should be shown on the drawings.
The number of test piles is normally between 5 and
10 percent of the total number of piles required,
dependent upon the magnitude of the project. Test
piles are furnished longer than job piles to allow
additional penetration if driving conditions
dictate. Delete this paragraph if test piles are
not required.
Provide [_____] test piles conforming to the same requirements as specified
for job piles. Drive test piles in the same manner as specified for job
piles. Furnish test piles [1.5] [_____] meters [5] [_____] feet longer
than length specified for job piles and drive the additional depth, if
directed. Drive test piles in locations indicated or as directed. Record
driving data as specified in paragraph entitled "Records." Confirmation of
the assumed allowable working loads of single piles shall be made by static
loading and measuring [each] [_____] test pile[s] in the manner described
below. Test piles indicated or directed to be driven in permanent
locations may be incorporated into the work if, after satisfactory
completion of the load test, they are approved for inclusion in the work by
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