NOTE: For fender piles, dolphin piles, and other
piling requiring lateral load-carrying capacity,
consideration should be given to increasing pile
diameter because preservative pressure treatment
tends to reduce lateral load-carrying capacity.
Treat piles by the full-cell pressure process in accordance with AWPA C1
and AWPA C3 to the retention and penetration for marine piling and produce
in accordance with WWPI Mgt Practices, as follows:
Bearing Piles: [Creosote or creosote solution for marine piles]
[Waterborne preservative for marine piles (ACA - Ammoniacal Copper
Arsenate, ACZA - Ammoniacal Copper Zinc Arsenate, CCA - Chromated
Copper Arsenate)] [Dual treatment of creosote or creosote solution
plus waterborne preservative for marine piles].
[Fender] [,] [and] [Cluster] [,] [and] [Dolphin] [_____] Piles:
[Creosote or creosote solution for marine piles] [Waterborne
preservative for marine piles (ACA - Ammoniacal Copper Arsenate,
ACZA - Ammoniacal Copper Zinc Arsenate, CCA - Chromated Copper
Arsenate)] [Dual treatment of creosote or creosote solution plus
waterborne preservative for marine piles].
Creosote for brush treatment of piles shall conform to ASTM D 390.
Coal-Tar Pitch
Coal-tar pitch for brush treatment of piles shall conform to ASTM D 450,
Type A.
Pile Shoes
NOTE: Pile shoes should be required only when
extremely hard driving is required in upper strata
for the penetration of such strata to reach the
bearing stratum.
ASTM A 569/A 569M. Steel boot or welded-plate point shoe especially
fabricated for pile driving. Shoes shall be the product of a manufacturer
regularly engaged in the manufacture of pile fittings. Welding procedures
shall be in accordance with a nationally recognized welding code. Provide
size to fit pile tip. Fabricate boot type of 5 mm 3/16 inch carbon steel
fully welded, with at least three straps, each with three 5 mm 3/16 inch
nail holes. Fabricate welded-plate point type of four 5 mm 3/16 inch or 6
mm 1/4 inch steel plates, fully welded and sized to adequately cover full
pointed area of pile; provide each plate with one 5 mm 3/16 inch or one 6 mm
1/4 inch nail hole. The length of the joints formed by the intersection
of the sides shall not be less than one half of the height of the shoe.
Shoes shall be cleaned and painted with at least one coat of paint. The
color and paint shall be the manufacturer's standard. [Shoes may be
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