Keep a complete and accurate driving record of each pile driven. Indicate
pile location, deviations from design location, diameter, original length,
mudline elevation, tip elevation, cutoff elevation, penetration in blows per
meter foot for entire length of penetration for test piles, penetration in
blows per meter foot for the last 3 m 10 feet for job piles, hammer data
including rate of operation, make, and size, and unusual pile behavior or
circumstances experienced during driving such as redriving, heaving,
weaving, obstructions, [jetting,] [spudding,] [predrilling,] and
unanticipated interruptions. Preprinted forms for recording pile driving
data are attached at the end of this section. Make pile driving records
available to the Contracting Officer at the job site, a minimum of 24 hours
after each day of pile driving. Include in the construction records the
wood species, preservative type, retention, and producer of installed
treated timber.
Survey Data
After the driving of each pile group is complete and before superimposed
concrete is placed, provide the Contracting Officer with an as-driven
survey showing actual location and top elevation of each pile. The
Contractor shall not proceed with placing concrete until the Contracting
Officer has reviewed the survey and verified the safe load for the pile
group driven. A survey shall be presented in such form that it gives
deviation from plan location in two perpendicular directions and elevations
of each pile to nearest 13 mm half inch. Survey shall be prepared and
certified by a [licensed land surveyor] [professional engineer].
Lengths of Job Piles
NOTE: For USACE (Army) projects, use and edit the
following paragraph. When the actual required
lengths of piles can be determined without test
driving and loading of piles (such as when piles are
to be driven to bedrock), the actual required
lengths shall be indicated and listed in the unit
price schedule.
[The estimated quantities of piles listed in the unit price schedule as to
be furnished by the Contractor are given for bidding purposes only. The
Contracting Officer will determine the actual lengths of piles required to
be driven below cutoff elevation for the various locations in the work and
will furnish the Contractor a quantities list which indicates lengths and
locations of all piles to be placed. This determination will be made from
the results of the test pile driving and test loading.] [The lengths of
piles shall be as indicated.] The Contracting Officer will determine the
number of overlength piles, if any, to be ordered to provide for variations
in subsurface conditions. Where specified bearing capacities are
attainable with piles of lesser length than those specified, shorter piles
may be used subject to prior approval in writing. To provide for "heading"
or cutting off normal after driving, piles shall be furnished in lengths at
least 300 mm one foot greater than the lengths specified to be below the
cutoff elevations.
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