Treated piles shall not be cut to permit fitting of timbers. Piles of
uniform size shall be selected for each bent. If necessary, treated filler
blocks shall be used to fill out between piles and bracing. Holes for
drift bolts in the tops of piles shall be drilled to a depth of 75 mm 3
inches less than the penetration of drift bolts in the piles. Drill holes
for drift bolts 3 mm 1/8 inch smaller than bolt diameter. Drill holes for
through bolts 2 mm 1/16 inch larger than diameter of bolt shank.
Counterbore holes for bolt heads and washers as indicated. Holes drilled
into piles shall be filled with hot creosote or the same preservative used
to treat the piles and when not used for bolts shall be tightly closed by a
treated plug. Holes shall not be drilled or spikes shall not be driven
into piles to support scaffolding.
[Fender] [,] [and] [Cluster] [,] [and] [Dolphin] [_____] Piles
Inspect piles when delivered and when in the leads immediately before
driving. Secure piles in their proper alignment and cut piles at cutoff
at cutoff shall be sound. Counterbore holes for bolts where indicated for
countersinking bolt heads and washers. After installation of bolts, fill
drift bolts 3 mm 1/8 inch smaller than bolt diameter. Drill holes for
through bolts 2 mm 1/16 inch larger than diameter of bolt shank. Drill
holes for lag bolts not larger than body of bolt at base of tread. Fender
piles shall have tops bevelled outboard as indicated.
Driving [Fender] [,] [and] [Cluster] [,] [and] [Dolphin] Piles
Pile hammers shall be air, steam, or diesel powered, and of an approved
type with a capacity at least equal to the hammer manufacturer's
recommendation for the total weight of pile and character of subsurface
material to be encountered. Minimum driving energy shall be 10,840 joules
8,000 foot-pounds with maximum driving energy of 20,330 joules 15,000
foot-pounds. Weight of the hammer for drop hammers shall not be less than
907 kg 2,000 pounds.
Use washers of the size and type specified under bolt heads and nuts which
would otherwise come in contact with wood.
Wrapping Piles
Draw piles tightly together with wire rope. Fasten each turn of the wire
rope with a staple to each pile with which it is in contact. Fasten ends
of wire rope with two clips or clamps. Number of turns shall be as
indicated. Through bolts shall be in place and drawn up before wrapping is
finally secured.
Tolerances in Driving
Piles shall be driven in the locations indicated. Fender piles may be
manipulated a maximum of 42 mm per m 0.50 inch per foot of pile length in a
direction parallel to the pier face and 21 mm per m 0.25 inch per foot of
pile length in a direction perpendicular to the pier face. Remove and
replace with new piles those damaged, mislocated, driven below the design
cutoff, or driven out of alignment.
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