Overhaul Requirements
The unit of measurement for overhaul will be the station-meter station-yard.
The overhaul distance will be the distance in stations between the center
of volume of the overhaul material in its original position and the center
of volume after placing, minus the free-haul distance in stations. The
haul distance will be measured along the shortest route determined by the
Contracting Officer as feasible and satisfactory. Unsatisfactory materials
or waste will not be measured for overhaul where the length of haul for
borrow is within the free-haul limits.
Select Granular Material
Select granular material shall be measured in place as the actual cubic
meters yards replacing wet or unstable material in trench bottoms [within
the limits shown] [in authorized overdepth areas]. The unit price shall
include furnishing and placing the granular material, excavation and
disposal of unsatisfactory material, and additional requirements for
sheeting and bracing, pumping, bailing, cleaning, and other incidentals
necessary to complete the work.
NOTE: When lump-sum payment for work under this
section is desired, these paragraphs will be revised
accordingly. These paragraphs will be deleted when
the work covered by this section is included in one
lump-sum contract price for the entire work covered
by the Invitation for Bids. Payment for overhaul
will be separate from excavation and borrow.
Payment will constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools,
supplies, and incidentals necessary to complete the work.
Classified Excavation
Classified excavation will be paid for at the contract unit prices per
cubic meter yard for common or rock excavation.
Piping Trench Excavation
Payment for trench excavation shall constitute full payment for excavation
and backfilling, [including specified overdepth] except in rock or unstable
trench bottoms.
Rock Excavation for Trenches
NOTE: Delete this paragraph when not required in
the project.
Payment for rock excavation will be made in addition to the price bid for
the trench excavation, and will include all necessary drilling and blasting
and all incidentals necessary to excavate and dispose of the rock. Select
granular material, used as backfill replacing rock excavation, will not be
paid for separately, but will be included in the unit price for rock
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