foot. Unit weight of rolled steel sections shall be obtained from
recognized steel manuals. [Sheeting wasted when cut off between the
finished grade and a distance of up to [_____] meters feet below the
finished grade shall be included in the measurement.]
NOTE: Delete definitions that will not be used in
the specification text for a specific project.
Satisfactory Materials
NOTE: Satisfactory material will be defined in
accordance with locally available materials, design
slopes, etc., and suitable classes, based on the
geotechnical report, will be listed in the project
specification in accordance with the Unified Soil
size will be determined based on how thick the fill
is and how it is going to be accomplished. As a
rule of thumb, it should be no larger than 1/2 the
allowable lift thickness. Clay material should be
checked for expansive characteristics and this
section should be edited accordingly.
Satisfactory materials shall comprise any materials classified by ASTM D
2487 as GW, GP, GM, GP-GM, GW-GM, GC, GP-GC, GM-GC, SW, SP, [SM,] [SW-SM,]
[SC,] [SW-SC,] [SP-SM,] [SP-SC,] [CL,] [ML,] [CL-ML,] [CH,] [MH].
Satisfactory materials for grading shall be comprised of stones less than
200 mm 8 inches, except for fill material for pavements and railroads which
shall be comprised of stones less than 75 mm 3 inches in any dimension.
Unsatisfactory Materials
NOTE: Unsatisfactory material will be defined in
accordance with locally available materials, design
slopes, etc., and unsuitable classes will be listed
ASTM D 2487. This paragraph should be edited to
delete inapplicable materials.
Materials which do not comply with the requirements for satisfactory
materials are unsatisfactory. Unsatisfactory materials also include
man-made fills; trash; refuse; backfills from previous construction; and
material classified as satisfactory which contains root and other organic
matter or frozen material. The Contracting Officer shall be notified of
any contaminated materials.
Cohesionless and Cohesive Materials
NOTE: When classification will be necessary during
construction, determination of grain size for
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