directed. The volume of overburden stripped from borrow pits and the
volume of excavation for ditches to drain borrow pits, unless used as
borrow material, will not be measured for payment. The measurement will
not include the volume of any excavation performed prior to the taking of
elevations and measurements of the undisturbed grade.
Piping Trench Excavation
NOTE: This paragraph will be coordinated with the
payment paragraphs of appropriate contract sections
to ensure that there are no dual payments or
omission of payment for trench excavation. There
should be separate payment items established for
trench excavation for each different size of pipe in
the contract. Payment for trench excavation for
heat-distribution system and for underground
electrical-distribution system may be excluded for
payment from this paragraph, and included in payment
under the appropriate utility section, when the work
is of such a nature and extent and so clearly
indicated that the excavation quantities involved
can be estimated with reasonable accuracy.
Trench excavation shall be the number of linear meters feet measured along
the centerline of the trench and excavated to the depths and widths
specified for the particular size of pipe. Unstable trench bottoms shall
be replaced by select granular material. Trench excavation shall also
include the additional width at manholes and similar structures, the
furnishing, placing and removal of sheeting and bracing, pumping and
bailing, and all incidentals necessary to complete the work required by
this section.
Rock Excavation for Trenches
NOTE: Delete this paragraph when not required in
the project.
Rock excavation shall be measured and paid for by the number of cubic
meters yards of acceptably excavated rock material. The material shall be
measured in place, but volume shall be based on a maximum 750 mm 30 inch
width for pipes 300 mm 12 inches in diameter or less, and a maximum width
of 400 mm 16 inches greater than the outside diameter of the pipe for pipes
over 300 mm 12 inches in diameter. The measurement shall include all
authorized overdepth rock excavation as determined by the Contracting
Officer. For manholes and other appurtenances, volumes of rock excavation
shall be computed on the basis of 300 mm 1 foot outside of the wall lines
of the structures.
Topsoil Requirements
Separate excavation, hauling, and spreading or piling of topsoil and
related miscellaneous operations will be considered subsidiary obligations
of the Contractor, covered under the contract unit price for excavation.
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