date the completed chemistry data package is received at the
laboratory. [The Contractor may, as an option, continue
activities based on initial sampling and QC results, before
receipt of QA test results.] Where QA results are unacceptable
due to Contractor negligence (e.g. improper sample collection
and/or handling by the Contractor), or where QA sample results
conflict with the Contractor's primary sample results, further
sampling and testing shall be performed as directed by the CO.
All costs for such additional sampling and testing due to
Contractor negligence, including both QC and QA testing and
be borne by the Contractor. USACE acceptance of final disposition
of any excavated soil shall not occur until the Contractor's
sampling and QC results have been confirmed by QA results. This
includes all final stockpiling, wasting, backfilling, and related
construction. No payment will be made for laboratory sampling and
testing before receipt and acceptance by the Government of the QA
samples and the completed Chemical Data Final Report (CDFR),
properly formulated according to these specifications.
Single or Double Blind Performance Evaluation Samples
NOTE: The designer should evaluate the need and
frequency of Performance Evaluation (PE) samples.
In some cases, PE samples may be a regulatory
requirement (e.g. trial burns). PE samples are used
to assess routine performance levels of a
laboratory. There are several options available for
PE samples including single blind, double blind, and
duplicate splits or collocated samples (similar to
QA splits samples described above).
The Contractor shall submit certified [soil] [water] [air] Performance
Evaluation (PE) samples. The PE samples shall contain the site specific
contaminants of concern. The analytes shall be contained in the PE samples
at the site specific action levels for each target analyte. Throughout the
duration of the project [_____] samples per analysis type shall be
submitted for analysis. At least [_____] samples shall be submitted during
the first week of analysis so that the Contractor can assess the quality of
the laboratory data. If the laboratory does not meet the certified PE
sample acceptance limits, project sample analysis shall be terminated until
corrective actions have been implemented. The Contractor shall supply the
PE sample results and the vendor's acceptance limit documentation to the CO
within [_____] hours following reporting of the results by the laboratory.
Review of Primary Laboratory Data
NOTE: There are several different levels of data
assessment (e.g. verification, review, evaluation
and validation) described in EM 200-1-6.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the independent data review of the
entire primary data set.
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