to the following table:
Investigation Derived Waste Samples
Investigation derived waste (IDW) samples shall be collected and analyzed
according to the following table: [_____].
Manifesting Samples
NOTE: Typical testing requirements for manifesting
include, as a minimum, the following: 1) DQO of
Transporter and Treatment, Storage and Disposal
Facility (TSDF); including sampling for suspected
of installation's hazardous waste management plan
(when applicable); 3) DQO of any state/province
through which the waste will pass (Contractor
responsibility); and 4) Testing for characteristic
wastes {ignitability (D001), corrosivity (D002), and
reactivity (D003); Toxicity Characteristic Leaching
Procedure (TCLP) metals (D004 to D011); TCLP
pesticides/herbicides (D012 to D017); TCLP volatile
and semi-volatile organic compounds (D018 to D043)}.
Material shipping manifesting shall be in accordance with 40 CFR 261, 40
CFR 262, 40 CFR 268, 49 CFR 172, and 49 CFR 178. Manifesting samples shall
be collected and analyzed according to the following table: [_____].
Process Gas and Particulate Emission Samples
Process and emission gas and particulate matter samples shall be collected
and analyzed and/or shipped to a primary laboratory according to the
following table: [_____].
Real-Time Instrumental Measurement Samples
Real-time instrumental measurements shall be analyzed onsite for chemical
parameters according to the following table: [_____].
Perimeter Air Monitoring Samples
Perimeter air monitoring samples shall be analyzed according to the
following table: [_____].
Compatibility Field Testing for Bulking Operations
Samples for compatibility field testing for bulking operations shall be in
accordance with the following table: [_____]. The Contractor shall use
appropriate compatibility field tests before any bulking operations. The
compatibility testing system shall include procedures for: 1) tests
conducted prior to drum opening; 2) tests conducted at the drum head; 3)
sample acquisition; 4) compatibility tests on collected samples; 5) sample
compositing; 6) bulking; and 7) limitations.
Demolition Samples
Sampling and analysis for demolition shall be according to USACHPPM Protocol
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