The SAP shall be prepared in accordance with CDQC requirements and EM
200-1-3. The SAP shall be a [single] [two-part] document that contains two
distinct elements: FSP and QAPP. Sections of the FSP and QAPP [shall]
[shall not] be cross referenced. The SAP shall confirm the Contractor's
understanding of the contract requirements for chemical data quality
control, and shall describe procedures for field sampling and sample
submittal for analysis, field chemical parameter measurement, data
documentation, data assessment and data reporting requirements. The SAP
shall delineate the methods the Contractor intends to use to accomplish the
chemical quality control items to assure accurate, precise, representative,
complete, legally defensible and comparable data. The SAP shall describe
all chemical parameter measurements for all matrices for all phases of the
remediation contract. As a single interrelated document, the SAP shall be
provided to field and laboratory personnel. The Contractor may propose
original/innovative approaches to chemical parameter measurements for cost
reduction and remediation efficiency by abbreviated sampling, contingency
sampling and/or contingency analysis, indicator or tracer analysis, onsite
analytical services, equivalency or screening methods. The SAP shall
clearly identify the Contractor obtained laboratories. The Contractor
shall furnish copies of the Government approved SAP to all laboratories and
the Contractor's field sampling crew. The SAP shall address all levels of
the investigation with enough detail to become a document which may be used
as an audit guide for field and laboratory work.
Field Sampling Plan
The FSP shall contain necessary technical detail and direction for the
field personnel to understand sampling and field measurement requirements.
The FSP shall provide a comprehensive description and full detail for
personnel to perform all onsite activities required to attain project DQO,
including: locations of samples, sampling procedures for onsite and offsite
shipment of samples for offsite analyses, performance of onsite and offsite
instrumental parameter measurements, data documentation and reporting
The QAPP shall contain necessary technical detail and direction for field
and laboratory personnel to understand project sample analysis, quality
control and data reporting requirements, analytical methods, required
detection limits, QC requirements, and data validation and reporting
NOTE: A schedule for data delivery should be
established so that data packages are provided as
More frequent delivery of data packages allows USACE
to evaluate the project lab's performance on a
continuing basis by comparing primary and QA
laboratory results. The designer should identify
the anticipated number and/or frequency in light of
project objectives (e.g. amount of data produced,
project duration, etc.). Most projects are
short-term (within 1 year) and will require one data
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