decision-making responsibilities of all chemical quality management and
support personnel. The CQC Plan shall contain a copy of a letter from the
project QC manager designating and authorizing a Chemical Quality Control
Authority and Responsibility
A diagram, flow chart, or figure clearly depicting the chemical data
quality management and support staff and the authority and responsibility
of each for chemical sampling and analysis, procedures for corrective
actions, deliverables and submittals, deviations and changes, chemical
quality documentation, data validation, minimum data reporting
requirements, and DQO for chemical parameter measurement by the Contractor
and subcontractors. The contents of this section of the CQC Plan shall be
included in the applicable "Project Organization" elements of the FSP and
the QAPP.
NOTE: The SAP may be required to be a single stand
alone document or a two-part document to be used by
the sampling and measurement personnel as well as
Contractor analytical laboratory personnel.
Sufficient project chemical data requirements, to
the extent the design allows, must be included in
paragraph CHEMISTRY REQUIREMENTS for the Contractor
to prepare each of the elements of the SAP. The SAP
must be provided to all Contractor and subcontractor
personnel responsible for chemical parameter
measurements. The Quality Assurance Project Plan
(QAPP) portion of the SAP must be provided to
Contractor's analytical laboratories.
The Contractor should be directed to prepare the SAP
in accordance with project specific chemical data
quality requirements and EM 200-1-3. For larger
projects requiring an extensive SAP, it may be more
user friendly to make the Field Sampling Plan (FSP)
independent of the QAPP. In such case the two must
not cross reference but must be stand alone parts of
the SAP. The designer must designate which is
required by the contract.
Depending on the size or complexity of the project,
all the elements listed below may not be
appropriate; in these instances, the format may be
abbreviated or modified to accommodate the project
Chemical measurements for the initial phases of the
contract may be allowed by the USACE CO through an
interim or abbreviated plan applicable to the
particular feature of work, following acceptance of
the CQC Plan. The measurement of chemical
parameter, that is not included in a Government
approved interim plan and is not included in the
contract specification, will not be permitted.
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