by the project or the medical facility, then deleted
the following paragraph "(5)" and all subsequent
references to this interface function.
Patient Wandering Security Alarms
In patient care areas equipped with a Patient Wandering System, interface
with the Patient Wandering System to receive and communicate patient
wandering alarm calls.
NOTE: If an Intrusion Detection System is NOT
provided by the project or the medical facility for
patient care exit doors, then deleted the following
paragraph "(6)" and all subsequent references to
this interface function.
Intrusion Detection Security Alarms
In patient care areas that have exit doors that the staff needs to know are
or have been opened, interface with the Intrusion Detection System to
receive and communicate door open alarm calls from these doors.
NOTE: If a Wireless Telephone System is NOT
provided by the project or the medical facility,
then deleted the following paragraph "(7)" and all
subsequent references to this interface function.
Wireless Telephone Voice Intercom
Each NC Subsystem shall be interfaced with the [medical facility] Wireless
Telephone System for voice communications with wireless phones carried by
on-duty caregivers.
LAN and System Servers
Each NC Subsystem shall be interfaced with the dedicated system LAN for
data communication with the system Central Code Annunciator Stations, Call
Logging Workstation, Maintenance Workstation, and system Servers for Call
Logging, Information System Interface, Radio Page Interface, Wireless
Voice Intercom Network
Each NC Subsystem shall be interfaced with the system Voice Intercom
Network for full-duplex voice intercom among all NC Subsystems.
Voice Intercom Network
A voice intercom network shall provide full-duplex voice communications
among all NC Subsystems. Voice intercom network components shall be
located as required by the system application design.
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