If departures from the contract drawings are deemed necessary by the
Contractor, complete details of such departures shall be submitted with the
assembled, function together and how they will be installed on the project.
Data and drawings for component parts of an item or system shall be
coordinated and submitted as a unit. Multiple submissions for the same
equipment or system are not acceptable except where prior approval has been
obtained from the Contracting Officer. In such cases, a list of data to be
submitted later shall be included with the first submission. Drawings
shall consist of the following:
a. Detail drawings showing physical arrangement, construction
details, connections, finishes, materials used in fabrication,
provisions for conduit or busway entrance, access requirements for
installation and maintenance, physical size, electrical
characteristics, foundation and support details, and equipment
weight. Drawings shall be drawn to scale and/or dimensioned.
Optional items shall be clearly identified as included or excluded.
actually provided for this project. External wiring connections
shall be clearly identified.
As-Built Drawings
The Contractor shall submit the as-built drawings as a record of the
construction as installed. The drawings shall include the information
shown on the contract drawings as well as deviations, modifications, and
changes from the contract drawings, however minor. The as-built drawings
shall be kept at the job site and updated daily. The as-built drawings
shall be a full sized set of prints marked to reflect deviations,
modifications, and changes. The as-built drawings shall be complete and
show the location, dimensions, part identification, and other information.
Additional sheets may be added. The as-built drawings shall be jointly
inspected for accuracy and completeness by the Contractor's quality control
representative and by the Contracting Officer prior to the submission of
each monthly pay estimate. Upon completion of the work, the Contractor
shall submit three full sized sets of the marked prints to the Contracting
Officer for approval. If upon review, the as-built drawings are found to
contain errors and/or omissions, they will be returned to the Contractor
for correction. The Contractor shall correct and return the as-built
drawings to the Contracting Officer for approval within ten calendar days
from the time the drawings are returned to the Contractor.
Products shall conform to the following requirements. Items of the same
classification shall be identical including equipment, assemblies, parts,
and components.
Material and equipment shall be the standard product of a manufacturer
regularly engaged in the manufacture of the product and shall essentially
duplicate items that have been in satisfactory use for at least 2 years
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