steel pole-line hardware may not be acceptable and
only hot-dip galvanized malleable or ductile iron
should be permitted. Local usage should be checked.
Zinc-coated hardware shall comply with IEEE C135.1, IEEE C135.2, ANSI
C135.14, and ANSI C135.22. Steel hardware shall comply with ASTM A 575 and
ASTM A 576. Hardware shall be hot-dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM A
153/A 153M. Pole-line hardware shall be hot-dip galvanized [steel.]
[steel, except anchor rods of the copper-molten welded-to-steel type with
nonferrous corrosion-resistant fittings shall be used].
Washers shall be
installed under boltheads and nuts on wood surfaces and elsewhere as
required. Washers used on through-bolts and double-arming bolts shall be
approximately 57.2 mm 2-1/4 inches square and 4.8 mm 3/16 inch thick. The
diameter of holes in washers shall be the correct standard size for the
bolt on which a washer is used. Washers for use under heads of
carriage-bolts shall be of the proper size to fit over square shanks of
bolts. Eye bolts, bolt eyes, eyenuts, strain-load plates, lag screws, guy
clamps, fasteners, hooks, shims, and clevises shall be used wherever
required to support and to protect poles, brackets, crossarms, guy wires,
and insulators.
Armless Construction
Pole mounting brackets for line-post or pin insulators and eye bolts for
suspension insulators shall be as shown. Brackets shall be attached to
poles with a minimum of two bolts. Brackets may be either provided
integrally as part of an insulator or attached to an insulator with a
suitable stud. Bracket mounting surface shall be suitable for the shape of
the pole. Brackets for wood poles shall have wood gripping members.
Horizontal offset brackets shall have a 5-degree uplift angle. Pole top
brackets shall conform to ANSI C135.22, except for modifications necessary
to provide support for a line-post insulator. Brackets shall provide a
strength exceeding that of the required insulator strength, but in no case
less than a 12.5 kN 2800 pound cantilever strength.
Guy Assemblies
Guy assemblies shall be [aluminum-clad steel in accordance with ASTM B 416]
[copper-clad steel in accordance with ASTM B 228] [or] [zinc-coated steel
in accordance with ASTM A 475]. Guy assemblies, including insulators and
attachments, shall provide a strength exceeding the required guy strength.
Three-eye thimbles shall be provided on anchor rods to permit attachment of
individual primary, secondary, and communication down guys. Anchors shall
provide adequate strength to support all loads. Guy strand shall be [3]
[7] strand. Guy material shall be [Class [30 HS] [30 EHS] copper-clad
steel] [Class [A] [B] [C] zinc-coated-steel [utilities] [high-strength]
[extra-high-strength] grade] [or] [aluminum-clad-steel-strand], with a
minimum breaking strength [not less than [26.7] [_____] kN [6000] [_____]
pounds] [as shown], except where two or more guys are used to provide the
required strength. Guy rods shall be not less than [2.1] [2.4] m [7] [8]
feet in length by [15.9] [19.1] [25.4] mm [5/8] [3/4] [1] inch in diameter.
NOTE: See TM 5-811-1 for guidance regarding
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