Medium voltage cable terminations; G
Live end caps; G]
600 volt wires and cables
Paper insulated lead covered (PILC) cables
SD-06 Test Reports
Delete last sentence of paragraph, for
Acceptance checks and tests; G
Identify each cable for 600-volt, and medium voltage cable
tests. When testing grounding electrodes and systems, identify
each electrode and system for each test, as well as the resistance
and soil conditions at the time the measurement were made.
SD-07 Certificates
Cable splicer/terminator; G
NOTE: For LANTNAVFACENGCOM projects, use the
submittal item below in lieu of the above item.
Cable splicer qualifications; G
NOTE: Delete the paragraph below for
[Thirty] [_____]calendar days before making splices or
terminations, submit names of the cable splicers to be employed,
together with proof that splicer has at least 3 years experience
in splicing the type and rating of cables specified. Submit
certification for each splicer by the cable joint kit manufacturer
in the use of manufacturer's kits.
SD-08 Manufacturer's Instructions
NOTE: Delete this submttal list for
"UL listed" kit
Termination kit
Medium-voltage joints
Page 9