NOTE: All panels except the remote panel can be
combined into a single panel paragraph.
Provide a panel-mounting location and detail for
panels not mounted on the genset base. The designer
may elect other locations such as adjacent to
engine-generator set, in the generator enclosure, in
or on the exciter-regulator cabinet, or in or on the
switchgear enclosure. Provide panel nameplate and
instrument nameplate unique identifiers or user
preferred identifiers. Provide sizes, materials and
attachment preferences.
Delete either the "analog" or "electronic
instruments" paragraph.
Each panel shall be of the type and kind necessary to provide specified
functions. Panels shall be mounted [on the engine-generator set base by
vibration/shock absorbing type mountings] [as shown]. Instruments shall be
mounted flush or semiflush. Convenient access to the back of panels shall
be provided to facilitate maintenance. Instruments shall be calibrated
using recognized industry calibration standards. Each panel shall be
provided with a panel identification plate which clearly identifies the
panel function. Each instrument and device on the panel shall be provided
with a plate which clearly identifies the device and its function as
indicated. Switch plates shall clearly identify the switch-position
Enclosures shall be designed for the application and environment,
conforming to NEMA ICS 6. Locking mechanisms [are optional.] [shall be
keyed alike.]
C39.1 with semiflush mounting. Switchboard, switchgear, and control-room
panel-mounted instruments shall have 250 degree scales with an accuracy of
not less than 99%. Unit-mounted instruments shall [be the manufacturer's
standard] [have 100 degree scales] with an accuracy of not less than 98%.
The instrument's operating temperature range shall be minus 20 to plus 65
degrees C minus 4 to plus 158 degrees F. Distorted generator output
voltage waveform of a crest factor less than 5 shall not affect metering
accuracy for phase voltages, hertz and amps.
100% solid state, state-of-the-art, microprocessor controlled to provide
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