A station battery system shall be provided to include the battery, battery
rack, spacers, automatic battery charger and distribution panelboard with
overcurrent protection, metering and relaying. Components shall be sized
to withstand the seismic acceleration forces specified. The batteries
shall have a rated life of 20 years and a manufacturer's 5-year, no cost
replacement guarantee.
The battery shall be [lead-acid] [nickel-cadmium], sized in accordance with
IEEE Std 485 and conform to the requirements of IEEE Std 484.
Valve-regulated lead-acid batteries are not acceptable.The battery
environment temperature shall range between [_____] and [_____] degrees.
The battery shall be rated for at least [_____] ampere hours at the 8-hour
Battery Capacity
NOTE: Delete loads which are not to be served from
the Station Battery System. Add the following load
for gensets 1000 kW and larger: precirculating
lube-oil pumps for diesels for [_____] minutes.
The battery shall be rated for at least [_____] ampere hours at the 8-hour
rate, and shall have sufficient capacity to serve the following loads
without recharging for a period of [_____] hours. At the end of the
discharge period, the battery shall have the capacity to simultaneously
to final voltage of [_____] volts per cell.
Switchgear indicating lights, control relays, protective relays,
and other switchgear dc components as required for 24 hours.
Emergency-lighting and power load at [_____] watts for [_____]
Battery Charger
A current-limiting, [_____]-volt battery charger shall be furnished to
automatically recharge the batteries. The charger shall be capable of an
equalize charging rate [for recharging fully depleted batteries within [8]
[_____] hours] [which is continuously adjustable] and a floating-charge
rate for maintaining the batteries in a fully charged condition. The
charger shall be equipped with a low-voltage alarm relay, 0- to 24-hour
circuit breakers. The charger shall conform to the requirements of UL 1236.
A battery is considered to be fully depleted when the voltage falls to a
level incapable of operating the equipment loads served by the battery.
The base shall be constructed of steel.
The base shall be designed to
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