qualified by others, and welders and welding operators qualified by a
previously qualified employer may be accepted as permitted by ASME B31.1.
Welder qualification tests shall be performed for each welder whose
qualifications are not in compliance with the referenced standards. The
Contracting Officer shall be notified 24 hours in advance of qualification
tests. The qualification tests shall be performed at the work site if
practical. The welder or welding operator shall apply his assigned symbol
near each weld he makes as a permanent record.
Parallel Operation
NOTE: Specification of an engine-generator set
capable of parallel operation with a utility
requires a 2/3 pitch generator winding and special
system protection scheme. Do not specify this
option without also providing a design for the
protective device coordination which has been
approved by the utility involved.
Each engine-generator set specified for parallel operation shall be
configured for [automatic] [manual] parallel operation. Each set shall be
capable of parallel operation with [a commercial power source on an
infinite bus] [one or more sets on an isolated bus] [a commercial power
source on an infinite bus and with one or more sets on an isolated bus].
Load Sharing
NOTE: Coordinate with paragraph Engine Generator
parameter Schedule.
Each engine-generator set specified for parallel operation shall be
configured to [manually load share with other sets.] [automatically load
share with other sets by proportional loading. Proportional loading shall
load each set to within 5% of its fair share. A set's fair share is its
nameplate-rated capacity times the total load, divided by the sum of all
nameplate-rated capacities of on-line sets. Load sharing shall incorporate
both the real and reactive components of the load.]
Engine-Generator Set Enclosure
NOTE: If the engine-generator set is to be
installed outdoors include requirements for the
weatherproof enclosure in the engine-generator set
material required for the environment. Provide
structural loading required for the geographic area
(wind loads, snow loads, etc.). A generator set
enclosure may also be needed to mitigate excessive
noise caused by the engine generator set mechanical
components. Delete the reference to mechanical
noise limitations if an enclosure is not needed to
mitigate sound emissions. If a sound enclosure is
not provided, the designer must provide a design to
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