Preliminary Operations
The start-up engineer shall conduct manufacturer recommended start-up
procedures and tests to verify that the engine-generator set and auxiliary
equipment are ready for functional acceptance tests. Give the Contracting
Officer 15 days' advance notice that preliminary operations will be
conducted. After preliminary operation has been successfully conducted,
the start-up engineer will notify the Contracting Officer in writing
functional acceptance tests.
submitted to and approved by the Contracting Officer. Manuals shall be
prepared as specified in the paragraph entitled "Assembled Operation and
Maintenance Manuals."
Functional Acceptance Test Procedure
Test procedure shall be prepared by the start-up engineer specifically for
cover the requirements specified in the paragraph entitled "Functional
Acceptance Tests." The test procedure shall indicate in detail how tests
are to be conducted. A statement of the tests that are to be performed
without indicating how the tests are to be performed is not acceptable.
Indicate what work is planned on each workday and identify the calendar
dates of the planned workdays. Specify what additional technical support
personnel is needed such as factory representatives for major equipment.
Specify on which testing workday each technical support personnel is
needed. Data recording forms to be used to document test results are to be
submitted with the proposed test procedure. A list of test equipment and
instruments shall also be included in the test procedure.
Test Equipment
Test equipment and instruments shall be on hand prior to scheduling field
tests or, subject to Contracting Officer approval, evidence shall be
provided to show that arrangements have been made to have the necessary
equipment and instruments on site prior to field testing.
NOTE: Include the bracketed option below for
Give Contracting Officer[and LANTNAVFACENGCOM CI52 (757-322-8420)] 15 days
notice of dates and times scheduled for tests which require the presence of
the Contracting Officer. The Contracting Officer will coordinate with the
using activity and schedule a time that will eliminate or minimize
interruptions and interference with the activity operations. The
Contractor shall be responsible for costs associated with conducting tests
outside of normal working hours and with incorporating special arrangements
and procedures, including temporary power conditions. The Contractor shall
provide labor, equipment, diesel fuel, test load, and consumables required
for the specified tests. The test load shall be a cataloged product.
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