Design Tests
Submit the following design tests made on prototype machines that are
physically and electrically identical to the generators specified.
Temperature rise test
Short circuit saturation curve and current balance test
Assembled Engine-Generator Set Tests
NOTE: Select the first option for engine-generator
sets rated up to 250 kW. Select the second option
for engine-generator sets rated greater than 250 kW.
[Submit the following tests made on prototype machines that are physically
and electrically identical to the engine-generator set specified.][Perform
the following tests on the assembled engine-generator set.]
Initial Stabilization Readings
Operate the engine-generator set and allow the set to stabilize at rated kW
at rated power factor, rated voltage, and rated frequency. During this
period record instrument readings for output power (kW), terminal voltage,
line current, power factor, frequency (rpm) generator (exciter) field
and ambient temperature at minimum intervals of 15 minutes. Adjust the
load, voltage, and frequency to maintain rated load at rated voltage and
frequency. Adjustments to load, voltage, or frequency controls shall be
recorded on the data sheet at the time of adjustment. Stabilization shall
be considered to have occurred when four consecutive voltage and current
recorded readings of the generator (or exciter) field either remain
unchanged or have only minor variations about an equilibrium condition with
no evident continued increase or decrease in value after the last
adjustment to the load, voltage, or frequency has been made.
Regulator Range Test
Remove load and record instrument readings (after transients have
subsided). Adjust voltage to the maximum attainable value or to a value
just prior to actuation of the overvoltage protection device. Apply rated
load and adjust voltage to the minimum attainable value or a value just
prior to activation of the undervoltage protection device. The data sheets
defined as follows:
Percent Regulation = ((No-Load Voltage) - (Rated-Load Voltage)) x 100
(Rated-Load Voltage)
Frequency Range Test
Adjust the engine-generator set frequency for the maximum attainable
frequency at rated load. Record instrument readings. Adjust the
engine-generator set frequency for the specified minimum attainable
frequency at rated load. Record instrument readings. Reduce the load to
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