date of contract award, submit TAB agency and personnel
Pre-[DALT/]TAB Meeting: Within [30] [_____] calendar days after
the date of approval of the TAB agency and personnel, meet with
the Contracting Officer's TAB representative.
Design Review Report: Within [60] [_____] calendar days after the
date of the TAB agency personnel qualifications approval, submit
design review report.
[Pre-Field DALT Preliminary Notification: On completion of the
duct installation for each system, the Contractor shall notify the
Contracting Officer in writing within 5 days after completion.
Ductwork Selected for DALT: Within 7 calendar days of Pre-Field
DALT Preliminary Notification, the Contracting Officer's TAB
representative (COTR) will select which of the project ductwork
shall be DALT'd.
DALT Field Work: Within 48 hours of COTR's selection, complete
DALT field work on selected.
Submit Pre-final DALT Report: Within one working day after
completion of DALT field work, submit Pre-final DALT Report.
Separate Pre-final DALT reports may be submitted to allow phased
testing from system to system.
DALT Work Field Check: Upon approval of the Pre-final DALT
Report, the COTR's DALT field check work shall be scheduled with
the Contracting Officer.
Submit Certified Final DALT Report: Within [15] [_____] calendar
days after completion of successful DALT Work Field Check, submit
certified [Season 1] TAB report.]
Pre-Field TAB Engineering Report: Within [_____] calendar days
after approval of the TAB agency Personnel Qualifications, submit
the Pre-Field TAB Engineering Report.
Prerequisite HVAC Work Check Out List [For Season 1] and Advanced
Notice For [Season 1] TAB Field Work: At a minimum of [115]
[_____] calendar days prior to CCD, submit [Season 1] prerequisite
HVAC work check out list certified as complete, and submit advance
notice of commencement of [Season 1] TAB field work.
NOTE: Choose one of the following options.
NOTE: Option 1: Normally, use the following four
paragraphs, which requires two separate trips within
Season 1 to the contract site by the TAB field team
(the first for the TAB field work, the second for
TAB report submitted between trips. This is
intended to give the design engineer time to review
the certified TAB report before the field check of
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