construction contract, modify the entire
"SUBMITTALS" paragraph by phasing (maybe by
repeating the various submittals for each phase) to
facilitate the submittal process.
SD-06 Test Reports
Pre-final DALT report; G]
Certified Final DALT report; G]
Certified TAB report for Season 1; G
Certified TAB report for Season 2; G
Submit certified reports in the specified format including the
above data.
SD-07 Certificates
Independent TAB agency personnel qualifications; G
[DALT and ]TAB Submittal and Work Schedule; G
Design review report; G
Pre-field DALT preliminary notification; G]
Pre-field TAB engineering report; G
Advanced notice for [Season 1] TAB field work; G
Prerequisite HVAC Work Check Out List [For Season 1]; G
Advanced notice for Season 2 TAB field work; G]
Prerequisite HVAC Work Check Out List For Season 2; G]
NOTE: The calendar day requirements specified
should apply to many construction projects.
However, the specifier, when preparing this
paragraph for a specific contract shall review and
modify this paragraph to suit the contract
construction schedule. Season 1 may be the season
of maximum heating load or maximum cooling load,
depending upon construction schedule.
Submit this schedule, adapted for this particular contract, to the
Contracting Officer (CO) for review and approval. Include with the
submittal the planned calendar dates for each submittal or work item.
Resubmit an updated version for CO approval every 90 calendar days days.
Compliance with the following schedule is the Contractor's responsibility.
Qualify TAB Personnel:
Within [45] [_____] calendar days after
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