Refrigerated Air Dryer; G
SD-06 Test Reports
NOTE: Include the bracketed option for Code CI 52,
Construction Engineering Branch review for
LANTNAVFACENGCOM projects. Ensure that appropriate
information for this special approval procedure is
specified in the Section 01330, "Submittal
Procedures" to coordinate the special requirements.
For other projects, submittal review shall be
performed by the designer of record.
Submit, for review and approval, to Code CI 52, Construction
Engineering Branch, Atlantic Division, Naval Facilities
Engineering Command, the SD-06, "Test Reports", listed below.
Field test plan and performance verification test plan shall be
submitted to and approved by Code CI 52 prior to commencing the
respective test, that is, the field test and the performance
verification test. All other submittals in this section require
Government approval and shall be sent to the designer of record
for review and approval.]
Field Test Plan; G
Performance Verification Test Plan; G
Field Tests; G
Performance Verification Tests; G
SD-07 Certificates
Contractors Qualifications; G
Training; G
SD-10 Operation and Maintenance Data
Controls and HVAC System Operators Manual; G
DDC Manufacturer's Hardware and Software Manuals; G
SD-11 Closeout Submittals
Training Course Documentation; G
Service organizations; G
Contractor certification; G
Operating environment
Protect components from humidity and temperature variations, dust, and
other contaminants, within limits published by the manufacturer.
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