Submit [10][_____] copies of the manual containing complete
information on operation, lubrication, adjustment, routine and
special maintenance disassembly, repair, reassembly, and trouble
maintenance manual shall be printed on good quality 216 by 279 mm
8 1/2 by 11 inch paper, bound separately from the parts list, and
bound between a flexible, durable cover. Drawings incorporated in
manual may be reduced to page size provided they are clear and
legible, or they may be folded into the manual to page size.
Photographs or catalog cuts of components may be included for
NOTE: The designer should include in this section
those factors of the project design that relate to
the specification of the pump. These are factors
that will be data inputs to the manufacturer, and
are examined during the pump selection procedure and
needed for accurate response to the specification.
The specifications as written are for water of
normal chemistry and abrasive quality. The
contractor must be informed in the specification of
any unusual project conditions.
General Project Requirements
NOTES: Insert the name of the Pumping Station.
The other elements of the pumping unit designed for
this project should be stated; e.g., electric
submersible motor, reduction gear (if needed), and
The planetary gear reduction unit, on rare occasion,
may be required in the larger volume propeller pumps
such that a smaller, high-speed motor can be used.
The design of the gear is an integral part of the
design of the pumping unit.
Design, furnish, and install [_____] identical pumping units for the
[_____] Pumping Station shown. Water pumped will not exceed [_____] degrees
C, F, will be relatively turbid, and may contain sand, silt, and trash
capable of passing the trashrack, having 41 mm 1 5/8 in. clear openings.
Pumping Unit Description
NOTE: An important project design requirement
centers on providing a pumping plant design that
will accommodate the available pumps and their
structural and hydraulic requirements. Pumps are
designed to be contained in a discharge tube and
able to be lifted from the discharge tube for
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