d. [The pump shall deliver a minimum capacity of [_____] l/s gpm at a
total maximum head of [_____] m, ft, plus pump losses with water
surface in the sump at elevation [_____] m. ft.]
NOTES: The selection of pumps for flood and storm
water projects will not usually depend on the
economics of efficiency. However, a low efficiency
can usually be correlated with poor pump hydraulics
resulting in a shortened pump life. Therefore, an
efficiency relating to the values from the
manufacturer's catalog curves should be specified.
In the last bracketed option, specify the point at
which the efficiency percentage should be reached.
The pump shall have an efficiency of not less than [_____] percent at
The Contractor shall submit the names of the manufacturers, performance
capacities, and other relevant information for the machinery and other
equipment contemplated to be incorporated into the work.
NOTE: Submersible pumps are designed as a single
machine even though specifications may not always
recognize that unity. It is important that the
design specifications state that a single
manufacturer is to design and supply all parts of
the pump unit including pump, motor, discharge tube,
reduction gear, and cables. That manufacturer
should also have demonstrated capability in sump
design for pumps of the larger size.
The pumps shall be designed and manufactured by a firm that is regularly
engaged in the manufacture of the type of pump described in these
specifications. The pump manufacturer shall have overall responsibility to
supply the pumping unit (submersible pump/motor, [reducing gear (if
accessories]) that meet the requirements of this specification. Thus,
during start-up, installation, and performance evaluation, the pump
manufacturer is the sole responsible party. The pump manufacturer shall
supply a list of installations at which pumps of his manufacture, and ones
similar to those specified, have been operating for at least 2 years. The
components and materials of the pumping unit may occur at different
facilities, and be the product of other manufacturers.
The pump will be inspected for damage or other distress when received at
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