simultaneously activate pre-discharge alarms in the protected areas, signal
the building fire alarm control panels to activate the building fire
evacuation alarms, and send a signal to the base fire department via the
base fire alarm system. Upon activation of a second detector (on the
opposite zone of a cross-zoned system), the systems shall immediately shut
dampers [and fire doors], activate the discharge alarms, and initiate an
adjustable zero to 60 second discharge time delay. At the end of the time
discharge into the protected area [and post discharge visual alarms shall
Upon activation by a manual station, the system shall immediately
perform the above listed alarm functions and shutdown functions,
and initiate the adjustable time delay. At the end of the delay,
carbon dioxide shall discharge into the protected area.
Upon manual activation of the inhibit switch, time delay
countdown, equipment shutdown, and agent discharge shall be
delayed. All other functions shall continue unimpeded. Upon
release of inhibit switch, shutdown and discharge functions shall
resume. Time delay shall not reset and shall resume countdown to
discharge after release of switch.]
Activation of the manual discharge lever on the cylinder master
discharge head shall cause immediate agent discharge and immediate
operation of all alarm and shutdown functions specified in
paragraph entitled "Sequence of Operation."]
Pressure-Operated Fire Alarm Switch
Provide a pressure switch to actuate the building interior fire alarm
system upon the discharge of carbon dioxide.
Pressure-Operated Equipment Switch
NOTE: Omit if there is no air handling system
serving the underfloor areas.
For each protected space, provide a switch to automatically shut down the
Control Panel
NOTE: Use only when electrical actuation is
Provide modular type panel in a [flush] [surface] mounted steel cabinet
with hinged door and cylinder lock. Switches and other controls shall not
be accessible without the use of a key. The control panel shall be a neat,
compact, factory-wired assembly containing all parts and equipment required
to provide specified operating and supervisory functions of the system.
Panel cabinet shall be finished on the inside and outside with
factory-applied enamel finish. Provide separate alarm and trouble lamps
located on the exterior of the cabinet door or visible through the cabinet
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