circuits results only in loss of annunciation and will not affect the
shall provide specific identification of the [zone] [area] [device] by
means of a permanent label. In no case shall zone identification consist
of such words as "Zone 1," "Zone 2," but shall consist of the description
of the [zone] [area] [device].
Annunciation Zones
Arranged as follows:
Remote Annunciator Panel
Locate as shown. Panel shall duplicate all requirements specified for the
trouble lamps a single trouble lamp may be provided. Panel shall have a
lamp test switch. Zone identification shall be by means of [permanently
attached rigid plastic or metal plate(s)] [silk-screened labels attached to
the reverse face of backlighted viewing window(s)]. Panel shall be of the
[interior] [waterproof] type, [flush] [surface] [pedestal]-mounted.
Graphic Annunciator Panel
Locate as shown. Panel shall be of the [interior] [weatherproof] type,
[flush] [surface] [pedestal]-mounted. Panel shall be provided with the
floor plan of the protected area(s), drawn to scale, with remote alarm
lamps mounted to represent the location of each alarm initiating device.
Panel graphic shall also show the location of the annunciator panel and
control panel, and shall have a "you are here" arrow showing its location.
Orient floor plan on graphic to location of person viewing the graphic;
i.e., the direction the viewer is facing shall be towards the top of the
graphic display. Provide a North arrow. [Principal rooms and areas shown
shall be labeled with their room numbers or titles.] The panel location
shall be shown on the floor plan. Detectors mounted on ceilings, [above
ceilings,] and beneath raised floors [and different types of initiating
devices] shall have different symbols or lamps of different colors for
identification. Lamps shall illuminate upon actuation of their
corresponding device and remain illuminated until the system is reset.
Panel shall have a lamp test switch.
NOTE: Insert appropriate Section number and title
in blank below using format per UFC 1-300-02.
Provide automatic control of smoke-fire dampers in openings and ductwork
penetrating the envelop of the protected area. Smoke-fire dampers are
specified in Section [15810N DUCTWORK AND DUCTWORK ACCESSORIES][_____].
Dampers shall close upon activation of second detector or upon activation
NOTE: Insert appropriate Section number and title
in blank below using format per UFC 1-300-02.
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