Provide under Section [15720N AIR HANDLING UNITS] [_____] and Section [
15810N DUCTWORK AND DUCTWORK ACCESSORIES] [_____] and as specified herein.
Provide a key-operated ON/OFF switch with red and green indicator lights
for control of exhaust fans from each protected space. Green light shall
remain illuminated when exhaust system is in standby status. Green light
shall extinguish and red light shall illuminate when system is operating.
Provide an interlock from the carbon dioxide system to prevent operation of
exhaust system during carbon dioxide system discharge and for a minimum of
10 minutes after carbon dioxide discharge. Ten minutes after carbon
dioxide discharge, exhaust system shall be operable by the key switch even
if smoke detectors are still in alarm mode. Locate switches outside the
protected spaces.
NOTE: Delete the first three sentences (in
brackets) if electrical actuation systems are not
[Obtain AC operating power to control panel and battery charger from the
line side of the incoming building power source ahead of all building
services] [at the location indicated]. Provide independent, properly fused
safety switch, with provisions for locking the cover and operating handle
in the POWER ON position for these connections, and locate adjacent to the
main distribution panel. Paint switch box with red enamel and identify by
a lettered designation. Provide wiring in accordance with NFPA 70. Wiring
for 120-volt circuits shall be No. 12 AWG minimum. Wiring for low-voltage
DC circuits shall be No. 14 AWG minimum. Wiring shall be color coded.
Provide wiring in metal conduit or electrical metallic tubing.
Identify circuit conductors within each enclosure where a tap, splice, or
termination is made. Conductor identification shall be by plastic-coated,
self-sticking printed markers or by heat-shrink type sleeves. Attach the
markers to prevent accidental detachment. Identify control circuit
Provide at each remote control station. Instructions shall clearly
indicate steps for system operation. The proposed legend for operating
instructions shall be approved before installation. Instructions shall be
embossed white letters on red rigid plastic backgrounds. Lettering shall
1 inch high for identification of system operating devices and control
Equipment, materials, installation, workmanship, fabrication, assembly,
erection, examination, inspection, and testing shall be in accordance with
NFPA 12, except as modified herein. Install piping straight and true to
bear evenly on hangers and supports. Keep the interior and ends of new
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