as specified in paragraph Keypads.
Contactless Smart Card
The contactless smart card reader, as specified in paragraphs "Card Readers
And Credential Cards" and "Contactless Smart Card", shall be equipped with
integral keypads as specified in paragraph Keypads.
The proximity card reader, as specified in paragraphs "Card Readers And
Credential Cards" and "Proximity", shall be equipped with integral keypads
as specified in paragraph Keypads.
Personal Identity Verification Equipment
Entry control personnel identity verification equipment shall use a unique
personal characteristic or unique personal physiological measurement to
establish the identity of authorized, enrolled personnel. Personnel
identity verification equipment shall include a means to construct
individual templates or profiles based upon measurements taken from the
person to be enrolled. This template shall be stored as part of the System
Reference Database Files. The stored template shall be used as a
comparative base by the personnel identity verification equipment to
generate appropriate signals to the associated local processors.
Hand Geometry
NOTE: The designer will specify if audible status
indication if required.
Hand geometry devices shall use unique human hand measurements to identify
authorized, enrolled personnel. The design of this device shall
incorporate positive measures to establish that the hand being measured by
the device belongs to a living human being. Hand geometry devices shall
provide an alignment system which allows the user's hand to remain in full
view of the user at all times. During the scan process the hand geometry
device shall make 3 dimensional measurements of the size and shape of the
user's hand. The hand geometry device shall automatically initiate the
scan process once the user's hand is properly positioned by the alignment
system. The hand geometry device shall be able to use either left or right
hands for enrollment and verification. User hand geometry template shall
not require more than 50 eight-bit bytes of storage media space. Hand
geometry devices shall include an LED or other type of visual indicator
display and provide [visual] [visual and audible] status indications and
user prompts. The display shall indicate power on/off, and whether user
passage requests have been accepted or rejected.
a. Template Update and Acceptance Tolerances: Hand geometry devices
shall not automatically update a user's profile. Significant changes
in an individual's hand geometry shall require re-enrollment. The hand
geometry devices shall provide an adjustable acceptance tolerance or
template match criteria under system manager/operator control. The
hand geometry device shall determine when multiple attempts are needed
for hand geometry verification, and shall automatically prompt the user
for additional attempts up to a maximum of 3. Three failed attempts
shall generate an entry control alarm.
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