NOTE: Radar should be used in conjunction with
other detection and assessment systems such as CCTV,
to provide capability to extend the zone of
protection to maximum standoff distances. The
designer should contact the manufacturer of the
product to determine that product's particular
capabilities during design.
The radar system shall provide detection of a standard intruder to a
minimum of [_____] KM. The unit shall be a monostatic type in which the
transmitter and receiver are encased within a single housing unit
(transceiver). The radar shall be equipped with a signal processor that is
programmed to recognize reflected energy from the normal environmental
surroundings, and eliminate those objects relative to alarm conditions.
The unit shall have the capability of preprogramming specific parameters
such as size and speed, above which an alarm signal is generated. The
system shall provide alarm information to the ESS in order to identify
specific zones of concern. The information shall include range and azimuth
information, as a minimum. The information shall have the capability of
integrating with other systems such as CCTV, to "call" the cameras to a
particular view for alarm verification. The system shall be available for
retrofit with existing CCTV or other detection systems. After installation
of the radar system, warning signs indicating radiation hazard shall be
posted as recommended by the manufacturer.
Card Readers and Credential Cards
NOTE: Common Access Credential (CAC) cards are only
supplied by the Government.
a. Entry control card readers shall use unique coded data stored in or on
a compatible credential card as an identifier. The card readers shall be
[insertion] [proximity] type, and shall incorporate built-in heaters or
other cold weather equipment to extend the operating temperature range as
compatible with the local processor. The Contractor shall furnish card
readers to read [Weigand wire effect] [active proximity detection] [passive
proximity detection] [contact smart] [caontactless smart] entry cards, and
the matching credential cards. The cards shall contain coded data arranged
as a unique identification code stored on or within the card, and of the
type readable by the card readers. The Contractor shall include within the
card's encoded data, a non-duplicated unique identification code.
Enrollment equipment to support local encoding of badges including
cryptographic and other internal security checks shall be supplied.
b. The encoded data shall adhere to the Government Smart Card
Interoperability Specification V2.1 (GSC-IS). Any card formats that differ
from the above specification must receive approval of the offered cards,
readers, and data panels prior to the bid date be approved by the
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