Specification (GSC-IS) and adhere to the data formats as specified by the
DoD SEIWG format. The readers shall have "flash" download capability to
accommodate card format changes. The card reader shall have the capability
of reading the card data and transmitting the data, or a portion thereof,
to the ESS control panel.
NOTE: Specify the type of proximity card operation
desired, and coordinate the operation method with
the type of card specified.
Proximity card readers shall use [active] [passive] proximity detection and
shall not require contact with the proximity credential card for proper
operation. [Active detection proximity card readers shall provide power to
decode a unique identification code number transmitted from the credential
card.] [Passive detection proximity card readers shall use a
swept-frequency, radio frequency field generator to read the resonant
frequencies of tuned circuits laminated into compatible credential cards.
The resonant frequencies read shall constitute a unique identification code
number.] The card reader shall read proximity cards in a range from 0 to
at least 150 mm 0 to at least 6 inches from the reader. The credential
card design shall allow for a minimum of 32,000 unique identification codes
per facility.
Card Reader Display
The card readers shall include an LED or other visual indicator display.
The display shall indicate power on/off, and whether user passage requests
have been accepted or rejected.
Card Reader Response Time
The card reader shall respond to passage requests by generating a signal to
the local processor. The response time shall be 800 milliseconds or less,
from the time the card reader finishes reading the credential card until a
response signal is generated.
Card Reader Power
The card reader shall be powered from the source as shown and shall not
dissipate more than 5 Watts.
Card Reader Mounting Method
Card readers shall be suitable for surface, semi-flush, pedestal, or
weatherproof mounting as required.
Credential Card Modification
Entry control cards shall be able to be modified by lamination or direct
print process during the enrollment process for use as a picture and
identification badge as needed for the site without reduction of
readability. The design of the credential cards shall allow for the
addition of at least one slot or hole to accommodate the attachment of a
clip for affixing the credential card to the type badge holder used at the
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