and whether enrollee passage requests have been accepted or rejected.
a. Template Update and Acceptance Tolerances: Fingerprint analysis
scanners shall not automatically update an enrollee's profile.
Significant changes in an individual's fingerprints shall require
re-enrollment. The fingerprint analysis scanners shall provide an
adjustable acceptance tolerance or template match criteria under system
manager/operator control. The fingerprint analysis scanner shall
determine when multiple attempts are needed for fingerprint
verification, and shall automatically prompt the enrollee for
additional attempts up to a maximum of 3. Three failed attempts shall
generate an entry control alarm.
b. Average Verification Time: The fingerprint analysis scanner shall
respond to passage requests by generating signals to the local
processor. The verification time shall be 2.0 seconds or less from the
moment the finger print analysis scanner initiates the scan process
until the fingerprint analysis scanner generates a response signal.
c. Modes: The fingerprint analysis scanner shall provide an
enrollment mode, recognition mode, and code/credential verification
mode. The enrollment mode shall create a fingerprint template for new
personnel and enter the template into the system database file created
for that person. Template information shall be compatible with the
system application software. The operating mode shall be selectable by
the system manager/operator from the central station. When operating
in recognition mode, the fingerprint analysis scanner shall allow
passage when the fingerprint data from the verification attempt matches
a fingerprint template stored in the database files. When operating in
code/credential verification mode, the fingerprint analysis scanner
shall allow passage when the fingerprint data from the verification
attempt matches the fingerprint template associated with the
identification code entered into a keypad or matches the fingerprint
template associated with credential card data read by a card reader.
d. Reports: The fingerprint analysis scanner shall store template
transactions involving fingerprint scans. The template match scores
shall be stored in the matching personnel data file in a file format
compatible with the system application software, and shall be used for
report generation.
e. Electrical: The fingerprint analysis scanner shall not dissipate
more than 45 Watts from the source shown.
f. Mounting Method: Fingerprint analysis scanners shall be suitable
for surface, flush, or pedestal mounting as required.
fingerprint analysis scanner and its associated local processor shall
be compatible.
Iris Scan Device
NOTE: The designer will specify if audible status
indication if required.
The iris scan identification device shall use the unique patterns found in
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