Life safety will be designed in accordance with NFPA
101, Code for Safety to Life from Fire in Buildings
and Structures.
The designer will determine if signal switches are
required for the site.
Electric door strikes/bolts shall be designed to [release automatically]
[remain secure] in case of power failure. These facility interface devices
shall use dc power to energize the solenoids. Electric strikes/bolts shall
incorporate end of line resistors to facilitate line supervision by the
system. If not incorporated into the electric strike or local controller,
metal-oxide veristors (MOVs) shall be installed to protect the controller
from reverse current surges. Electric strikes shall have a minimum forcing
strength of 101 kN 2300 lbs.
a. Solenoid: The actuating solenoid for the strikes/bolts furnished
shall not dissipate more than 12 Watts and shall operate on 12 or 24
Volts dc. The inrush current shall not exceed 1 ampere and the holding
current shall not be greater than 500 milliamperes. The actuating
solenoid shall move from the fully secure to fully open positions in
not more than 500 milliseconds.
b. Signal Switches: The strikes/bolts shall include signal switches
to indicate to the system when the bolt is not engaged or the strike
mechanism is unlocked. The signal switches shall report a forced entry
to the system.
c. Tamper Resistance: The electric strike/bolt mechanism shall be
encased in hardened guard barriers to deter forced entry.
d. Size and Weight: Electric strikes/bolts shall be compatible with
standard door frame preparations.
e. Mounting Method: The electric door strikes/bolts shall be suitable
for use with single and double door with mortise or rim type hardware
as shown, and shall be compatible with right or left hand mounting.
f. Astragals: Astragal lock guards shall be installed to prevent
tampering with the latch bolt of the locking hardware or the latch bolt
keeper of the electric strike. The astragals shall bolt through the
door using tamper-resistant screws. The astragals shall be made of 3
mm 1/8 inch thick brass and are 286 mm 11-1/14 inch high by 41 mm 1-5/8
inch wide, with a 4 mm 5/32 inch wide offset, at a minimum. Finishes
shall be as shown.
Electrified Mortise Lock
NOTE: The electrified mortise locks provide an
excellent solution for stairwell doors that require
positive latching when unlocked. The doors should be
built with a raceway within the door for the power
and signal wire. A wire transfer hinge or other
device is required to get the wire from the door to
the doorframe for connection with the access control
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