NOTE: Use training requirements for location.
Include 18 VAC 15-30 for Virginia projects.
Train each employee performing work that disturbs lead, who performs
MCL/PWL disposal, and air sampling operations prior to the time of initial
job assignment and annually thereafter, in accordance with 29 CFR 1926.21,
29 CFR 1926.62, and State [(18 VAC 15-30)] and local regulations where
Respiratory Protection Program
a. Provide each employee required to wear a respirator a respirator fit
test at the time of initial fitting and at least annually thereafter as
required by 29 CFR 1926.62.
b. Establish and implement a respiratory protection program as required
by ANSI Z88.2, 29 CFR 1926.103, 29 CFR 1926.62, and 29 CFR 1926.55.
Hazard Communication Program
Establish and implement a Hazard Communication Program as required by 29
CFR 1926.59.
Lead Waste Management
NOTE: Research local requirements. The EPA has
clarified waste requirements where lead-based paint
debris generated by contractors in households is
excluded from RCRA Subtitle C hazardous waste
regulations. Contractors may dispose of LBP-wastes
as household wastes subject to applicable State
regulations. Determination of the expected waste
materials as hazardous or solid waste for disposal
should be performed in conjunction with site work.
Some construction waste contains lead at lower
concentrations, which may be disposed of at local
sanitary landfills or Construction and Demolition
(C&D) landfills, which are not approved by EPA.
The Lead Waste Management Plan shall comply with applicable requirements of
federal, State, and local hazardous waste regulations. and address:
a. Identification and classification of wastes associated with the work.
b. Estimated quantities of wastes to be generated and disposed of.
NOTE: Reference 16 VAC 25-35 for projects in the
Commonwealth of Virginia.
c. Names and qualifications of each contractor that will be
transporting, storing, treating, and disposing of the wastes. Include
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