Training Certification of workers and supervisors; G
lead waste management plan; G
written evidence that TSD is approved for lead disposal; G]
Certification of Medical Examinations; G
SD-06 Test Reports
sampling results; G
Occupational and Environmental Assessment Data Report; G
SD-07 Certificates
Testing laboratory qualifications; G
Occupant Notification; G]
NOTE: See Criteria Notes in paragraphs entitled
"Air and Wipe Sampling" and "Clearance
Certification" to determine whether these items
should be included in the project.
Third party consultant qualifications; G]
Clearance Certification; G]
SD-11 Closeout Submittals
Completed and signed hazardous waste manifest from treatment or
disposal facility; G
Waste turn-in documents or weight tickets for non-hazardous wastes
that are disposed of at sanitary or construction and demolition
landfills; G]
Competent Person (CP)
Submit name, address, and telephone number of the CP selected to perform
responsibilities specified in paragraph entitled "Competent Person (CP)
Responsibilities." Provide documented construction project-related
experience with implementation of OSHA's Lead in Construction standard (29
CFR 1926.62) which shows ability to assess occupational and environmental
exposure to lead, experience with the use of respirators, personal
protective equipment and other exposure reduction methods to protect
employee health. Submit proper documentation that the CP is trained [and
licensed] [and certified] in accordance with federal, State [(18 VAC 15-30
)] and local laws. [The competent person shall be a licensed lead-based
paint abatement Supervisor/Project Designer in the [State of
_____][Commonwealth of Virginia]].
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