Action Level
Employee exposure, without regard to use of respirators, to an airborne
concentration of lead of 30 micrograms per cubic meter of air averaged over
an 8 hour period.
Area Sampling
Sampling of lead concentrations within the lead control area and inside the
physical boundaries which is representative of the airborne lead
concentrations but is not collected in the breathing zone of personnel
(approximately 1.5 to 1.8 meters 5 to 6 feet above the floor).
Competent Person (CP)
As used in this section, refers to a person employed by the Contractor who
is trained in the recognition and control of lead hazards in accordance
with current federal, State, and local regulations and has the authority to
take prompt corrective actions to control the lead hazard. A Certified
Industrial Hygienist (CIH) certified by the American Board of Industrial
Hygiene or a Certified Safety Professional (CSP) certified by the Board of
Certified Safety Professionals is the best choice.
Contaminated Room
Decontamination Shower Facility
That facility that encompasses a clean clothing storage room, and a
contaminated clothing storage and disposal rooms, with a shower facility in
High Efficiency Particulate Arrestor (HEPA) Filter Equipment
HEPA filtered vacuuming equipment with a UL 586 filter system capable of
collecting and retaining lead-contaminated particulate. A high efficiency
particulate filter demonstrates at least 99.97 percent efficiency against
0.3 micron or larger size particles.
Metallic lead, inorganic lead compounds, and organic lead soaps. Excludes
other forms of organic lead compounds.
Lead Control Area
chips or debris to adjacent areas that may include temporary containment,
floor or ground cover protection, physical boundaries, and warning signs to
prevent unauthorized entry of personnel. HEPA filtered local exhaust
equipment may be used as engineering controls to further reduce personnel
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