two removable stainless steel scrap baskets, 500 by 250 by 125 mm 20 by 10
by 5 inches high, with 25 mm one inch diameter stainless steel tubing
handles. Provide disposer attachment ring in bottom of sink. Provide a
pre-rinse hose complete with spray head and mixing valve directly above
sink and attached to dish counter.
Disposer Cone
NOTE: Provide in counter top of pot and pan sink
and soiled dish counter, if desired.
Provide in counter top, 450 mm 18 inches in diameter, complete with
pre-rinse spray hose.
Scrap Trough
NOTE: Provide in counter top of soiled dish
counter, if desired.
Provide integrally with counter, 225 mm wide, 150 mm deep 9 inches wide, 6
inches deep, and sloped toward discharge end. Provide disposer attachment
ring in discharge end of trough and a fixed-direction water inlet at top of
trough for positive flushing action.
Sloped Cup/Glass Racking Shelf
Fabricate with 1.5 mm thick 16 gage stainless steel bottom and 38 by 38 by
3 mm 1.5 by 1.5 by 0.125 inch angle framing supports. Construct with 25
degree slope down toward operator, with bottom edge 450 mm 18 inches above
soiled dish table top, and to accommodate 500 by 500 mm 20 by 20 inch
dishwashing racks. Provide a 38 mm 1.5 inch retainer edge, turned up. Fit
inside corner with drain plumbed to discharge into [sink] [floor drain].
Provide stainless steel solid type.
Except for sill of soiled dish counter, fabricate a mitered window frame of
1.8 mm thick 14 gage stainless steel channel forming a 85 mm 3.5 inch
casing on each side of wall. Return flange 13 mm 0.5 inch, to wall. Weld
joints; join only at corners of opening. Seal in accord with Section 07920
Windows for Endless Belt Conveyors
Locate and size opening to allow 13 mm 0.5 inch clearance at each side and
below conveyor and 300 mm 12 inch space above conveyor.
Windows for Soiled Dish Counter
Fabricate sill as integral extension of counter. At face of wall opposite
counter, turn sill 13 mm 0.5 inch up, then down to form 100 mm 4 inch wide
mitered casing.
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